

History of the "33"

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Expanded Photo Tour

DCA Lounge

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Executive Chef
Andrew Sutton

Staff Photos

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Lilly Belle Parlor Car

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Expansion History


Wines & Spirits

Bartender Dr. Lee Williams

Dr. Lee's Blog Page

Guest Photos

Tokyo Japan

Prototype Pin Artwork

Press & Media Publications

A Poem by Martha O'Brien

A Special Thanks  

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Original Artwork

Jabba the Hutt Tree


Walt Before Mickey


Disney Film Historian
J.B. Kaufman

Disney Animator
Floyd Norman



The Private Lounge of DCA

The following photos are courtesy of www.davelandweb.com

I wish to personally thank Dave for his tremendous assistance in developing this page and I highly encourage all of

our guests to visit his wonderfully informative web site.

Enjoy your photo tour

So named for the year Walt was born. December 5th, 1901

Try to imagine that the year is 1937. Your  animation studio on Hyperion Avenue has finally finished the world's first full length talking animated motion picture and the people that told you the film wouldn't be a success are now clamoring for your next production. The Carthay Circle Theater in Los Angeles is sold out, surrounded by spot lights and Edison's incandescent bulbs flash in sequence around the marquee.  Packards, Cadillacs, Lincolns and Rolls Royces are lined up, delivering Hollywood's greatest stars to see the film which would set the standard for which all animated movies and shorts would strive to achieve. It's been quite a night for the Disney brothers.

With the premier concluded and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs being distributed around the world, Walt is ready to begin his next project. Now imagine a young Walt Disney, surrounded by his top story men and senior animators. Story boards cover the walls and spill onto the floor. Pencil sketches and animator's notes are stacked atop one another in a most haphazard manner and in the middle of the room is Walt.

But this isn't the Walt Disney we grew up with, there is no gray suit and black tie. This is the Walt that wore brightly striped shirts, stylish sweaters, saddle oxfords, long, slick backed hair and a gleam in his eye. His arms swing about his torso as he contorts his face and bends his body in the oddest of ways, all the while precisely describing a scene which he's anxious to begin working on. Animators continue to draw, story men take rapid notes and Roy Disney realizes that he'd better call the banks because his brilliant little brother won't let him rest until the funding is approved.

This is the theme of this wonderfully appointed members-only lounge. The creative and adventurous enthusiasm of Walt and his gang of talented artists fill every corner. Travel souvenirs from across the globe are carefully placed upon the shelves and Art Deco fixtures take you back to a Hollywood which most can only dream of.

Photos of Walt, his family and his animators cover the walls from the front door all the way to the well stocked marble bar.

The bartender doesn't ask what you want as he's already began preparing it the moment he saw you walk in.

Relax and enjoy.

Become a part of history.

Many of these photos were taken on Dec. 5th, 2012, Walt's 111th birthday.


Special pieces from the Disney Archives are frequently on display within a climate controlled clear vault.
This was the actual book which was used in the opening sequence of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs which was
distributed in Germany.

If you watch this photo carefully, you may just see Snow White begin to move!

Walt never liked looking back, he would tell his friends that once a film was in the can it was time to move forward. Walt's spirit is ever present within the lounge. If you're patient, you may catch a glimpse of his shadow!


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